Over the past year we have become used to washing our hands more and using hand sanitiser. We don’t really think about it anymore – so why not make a virtue out of necessity by beautifying these new habits.
The new touch-free dispenser from Zone Denmark can be used for either liquid soap or hand sanitiser. The simple and attractive design is perfect for the kitchen, office, bathroom, meeting rooms, shops etc. as a friendly nudge to discreetly and tastefully remind us to protect each other by practicing proper hand hygiene.
• Grey
• Stoneware/ABS
• Capacity 0,25 liter
• Dia. 11,8 x 17,3 cm
• Bränd Zone Denmark
Meet the designers behind Ume!
Tilde Nygaard, Hugo Dines Schmidt and Morten Lauritzen are the trio behind VE2 and the people behind the Ume series. Their solutions interact with other products and their ambition is to create simple, aesthetic and durable designs such as Ume – with a clear functional justification
Zone Denmark
• Tõlgendame arengusuundi, defineerides uuesti ilu ja funktsionaalsust kõigile, kes jagavad meie usku sügavalt positiivsesse ellu. Meie ausad ja värvikad kujundused pakuvad väljakutseid ühiskonnale, inspireerivad uudishimu ja tervitavad suurepäraseid materjale.
• Oleme oma Taani disainerite uuendusmeelse meeskonnaga võitnud mitmeid rahvusvahelisi disainiauhindu, mis on suurepärane. Kuid just meie disaini armastavad sõbrad üle maailma motiveerivad meid jätkama!
• Kõik tooted on olemas ka TALI poes
Oleme avatud E-R 11.00 – 19.00 ja P,L 11 – 17.00 (Google map)