Hoia Body Scrub Lemongrass 200ml


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Body Scrub Lemongrass 200ml

• 200ml
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Särtsakalt lõhnav sidrunheina kehakoorija puhastab, toniseerib ning peale kandes masseerib nahka, eemaldab surnud naharakud ja parandab vereringet, leevendab psoriaasi ja dermatiiti. Sisaldab rikkalikult sheavõid ja kookosrasva, mis jätavad naha pärast kasutamist pehmeks ja siidiseks. Sidrunheina eeterlik õli värskendab ja jätab naha peale kasutamist mõnusalt õhetama. Sidrunheina kehakoorija oli HOIA homespa esimene toode ja on siiani üks armastatuim toode.

HOIA homespa kehakoorijad on loodud selleks, et saaksid spa-kogemuse iseenda kodus. Spa-kogemus väljendub kehakoorija kasutamisel vallanduvast aroomiperaapiast, koorimisel tekkivast nauditavast suhkrumassaažist, imepehmest ja siidiselt siledast nahast ning pärast kasutamist on sul tõepoolest tunne, nagu väljusid hetk tagasi spa-st. Peale koorija kasutamist ei pea kreemi kasutama, sest nahk on siidpehme, sile, toidetud ja niisutatud.


Masseeri koorija ringjate liigutustega nahale, alusta jalalaba pealt ning liigu edasi kuni kaelani välja. Lase mõni minut toimida ja loputa. Kreemitada pole vaja.


HOIA homespa products are 100% natural and have not been tested on animals, they are tested on humans. Because HOIA loves animals. HOIA does not assemble ingredients in quantity and quality and we manufacture our products manually on Saaremaa, between stones and junipers. HOIA products do not contain parabens, silicones, alcohol, fillers or other substances harmful or unnecessary to the body. HOIA uses rich organic unrefined shea butter in body scrubs and body lotions and other products, hand-made by women living in Ghana who receive a fair reward for their work. So, with the purchase of HOIA products, you support the better coping and education of the disadvantaged communities in Ghana.

All products are also available in our store

Mon-Fri 11-19, Sat-Sun 11-17 (Google map)

☎ +372 53806821 ✉ info@talidesign.eu

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All shipments within Estonia generally arrive at the destination specified by the purchaser within 3-7 business days of the date of entry into force of the contract of sale …read more.

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✓ All products are also available in our store
✓ 14-day return policy
✓ Average delivery time is 3 - 7 business days